January 20, 2002 Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Boy we are a bunch of couch potatoes, nobody on the weekend wants to start the thread. Well I have done really well today and somewhat good yesterday. I have been drinking lots of water of course. Hope everyone else is doing good.


Talk to Jesus. Seriously, He is waiting to listen to you and help you in your struggle to lose weight. Sometimes we wrestle with the urge to cheat on our diets until we are emotional wrecks . This happens most often when we are alone, with no one to talk to . Don't forget, Christ is always with you, and He is as close as a prayer. Tell Him how difficult it is. Let Him know your struggle, And He will indeed comfort you. There is never a time in our lives when Jesus is not interested in everything that is happening to us. Call upon Him, confess Him as Lord, and you will be saved!

Today's thought: Jesus is as close as a prayer!
Scripture Romans 10:9 - http://bible.whitinger.net/showverse.php3?vid=28198

This message was edited Sunday, Jan 20th 11:56 PM

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