Early babies

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Got the local paper in front of me, and there is a photo of a farmers wife holding one of two lambs born last weekend, heck that is early and i have not heard the cuckoo as yet. Hope the weather does not freeze and go cold on them.

Awww I love baby lambs.

Unfortunately, we have to have some of the flock lamb early to gain a reasonable price for them. Trouble with sheep and goats is that they only really have a 4-5 month period when they can lamb due to their heat season, they are only in heat when the daylight is getting shorter so they are bred last week August-December as a general rule. One breed of sheep the Dorset will be on heat outside of this time frame and we can have October lambs from them to maximise the available market.

I don't know what that particular farm will be doing but most early lambing and after care takes place indoors, so the lambs won't be out until they are old enough to cope. Also a lot depends on the breed, most shepherds will tell you that lambs only get born in the worst weather possible. Sheep like to keep us on our toes!

I hope the lambs do well :)

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Ah but i know whats going to happen to them little Baa Baas in the near future.

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