What is your favorite Annual?

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

As it is getting near time to start annuals in Zone 8 I'd like to know some of your favorites. I'd also like some of your hints on growing them.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

OOOPS.. didn't see the top 10 below..maybe some of U have changed now *LOL*

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Yes.. It is near time to plant annual...here in Zone 9..OH I cant wait... Zinnia is my favoite cause they last longer and beauitful color....

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

My top favorite are poppies. They're just so darn easy... seeds fall on the ground and grow. IMO you can't beat 'em!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

No question "night scented stock"!
cant wait to smell them again

Nicotiana''Perfumes the air and my favorite little friends the "hummers"love it too'

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

Hi, It is great to see what everyone likes. About all I had last year was some Zinnias & Marigolds. Thanks to some kind people I have quite a few seeds now.. I have several kinds of Zinnias which I really like.. CA poppies but none of the fancy ones..I have a few Stocks but not sure if they are the
Night scented ones or not (maybe all are)..Have some Nicotiana also.. looks like I have some good seeds :) I can hardly wait to get them planted & growing .. It is so nice to see what other like & grow.
Thanks for the replies & sure hope to see more,

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Night scented stock-you would remember! They only release there beautiful scent around dusk till dawn and it is heavenly. The flowers are small white to purplishpink not much to look at-but the aroma that fills the night air-ohhhh I cant wait! I pick a sprig for my bedside every night-fills my room!
Thompson morgan catalog is where i got my first seeds!

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

I would have to say Zinna's also. A wide variety of colors and they make great cut flower boquets for the house.


Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well i have already got some seeds planted already and have germinated/Dianthus and sweetpeas I live in i believe zone 6/7 here in the UK. When they get another set of leaves will prick them out.I just love annuals, rudbeckia toto, all types of marigolds,my lavateras pink/white oh i could go on, there is no annual that i dislike.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

Hey Notmartha, if you haven't already mailed my seeds, how's about throwing in a few of the night blooming stock seeds. I have never grown them but they sound heavenly. When you get finished grouping my seeds together and mailing them, I will see how much postage it took and reimburse you for that. Is that an ok way to do it for you or would you prefer that I send you the money or stamps beforehand? You might also need me to send you one of the padded envelopes also. If so, just let me know. We might have already discussed this but I can't remember. Boy, how I miss my mind!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

ellen you have mail!
Im keeping track of everyone that wants seeds-I have plenty for everyone that has posted or emailed me!

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

I'd also like some of the night scented stock if U have extra.

(Zone 5a)

My favorite has to be the tall and short Cockscombs, I think that because they are so unusual and beautiful that a camera just can't do them justice. They also are very easy to grow, dry and use in a lot of different craft or display projects.

This message was edited Saturday, Mar 23rd 12:31 AM

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I like Nemesia because it smells good and Torenia because of the pretty blue flowers and the way it vines all over the place.

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