Cup of tea with Jane

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Just finished my case study for uni. Thought I'd relax before starting revision (have an exam on the 24th Jan). Too cold to do any serious gardening but popped along to the garden centre. Bought some stuff to spray on my roses (the few that weren't hacked to death by cowboys). And a couple of new pairs of gardening gloves. When I get a fine day I'll go round and squirt the stuff on them.
It's the garden centre's slackest time of the year. Mum and Dad who own the business are away on holiday. I'm friendly with jane the daughter. So she made me a cup of tea and we had a good blether.
Anyone else have a garden centre as friendly as this?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

yes the one nearest me is like this. I know all the staff really well.

it's a pity so many garden centres are such money grabbers.


Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

No my garden centres are not like that, dont bother really going but i was in a village near Warrington a few months ago just looking so called as i was after a couple of trees for my garden,and the owner asked me what i was interested in, and i told him, so he said he would deliver just for me the trees free of charge so i got them and even though there was a big Bents GC not far away i love the husband/wife style.So if i wanted big things i would pop in there again.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Plsntarama's just a family business. Not big, not rich. Nice to know people personally though.

Southern people aren't particularly friendly as a rule, not like people in the North and Midlands anyway which is something I have always missed in living down here. I still get funny looks if I start talking to a complete stranger in a queue or similar but it doesn't stop me from doing it LOL.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

This may surprise you but i do travel about a lot, but i love the Cities such as Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham they are ever so friendly, lets put it this way when i have to go to Merseyside which includes St Helens,never put a flask up always being asked if i want a cuppa and this will shock you but i hardly ever get asked in Lancashire, they are not anything as friendly as they used to be, the old working class miners and their families were great but its all gone now replaced by Maggies way-i want money more the better, remember her words, THERE IS NO THING AS SOCIETY,She has took the manufacturing base here in the North and bashed it against the wall, and there is still bitternest here which has started a lot of the rioting in our northern towns, and i know these northern towns such as Burnley like the back of my hand as i travel there a lot,and there is a lot of deprived areas here, lets put it this way you would have to pay me a lot to live there. Well working in the Bury area tomorrow famous for its black puddings, and to think that this vegetarian used to love them for breakfast many many years ago, as i was brought up on them.

I am surprised, I know a couple of Lancashire lasses down here and they are very warm people but as you say things are different now.

I used to love black pudding but they just don't make it right here. Still can't bear tripe though eugh!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Maybe they are happy Lancashire lasses cos they have got out of the place.Only joking, still lots of friendly people about, but you will find they are the old lot who never had two pennies to rub together. No once here in Lancashire if you were thick at school or just not interested in education there was always the pit or those dark sadanic mills.Now it is more important to get an education cos there are some good jobs out there, if not its either social security(not working for them) or McDonalds.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I was born in Lancashire,(Preston), moved when I was only a few months old. My mum always told me about how friendly the people were. Of course, my mum came from a pit village. Those days of community spirit have long gone.
The little shopping centre that I used to go to when I was a girl has changed. Went there yesterday after seeing dentist for check-up (got the all clear). Half the shops were shut up. I thought it must be half-day. Nope. A shop-keeper told me the shops had been bought by Pakis (hus words). They shut during the day and open at night for fast food. It's become a real security problem for the street. The vilage bobby looked in on one of the shops while I was there. Don't understand the different culture. Do the Pakis have a job during the day and a second one in te evening. I'd always thought they were quite hard workers and liked to look after their families.
The street looks a mess now. And I'd guess there's drugs not too far away. The men who robbed my Dad and me live only a few streets away.
I go an appointment with optician on Friday in that area.
What a shame. That used to be a nice little street. When I lived in my old house, where I was brought up, we used to do most of our weekly shop there.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Yes what a shame things have gone like this, but you will always find when there is no work for people whos IQ are not very high, most of the jobs that have more or less gone are the unskilled work, but years ago like in the 20s and 30s because the working class were not allowed a proper education they had to do unskilled work, i know my paternal Grandad was a very clever man and he worked himself up in the coal mine but he could repair anything cars, washing machines, vacuum? cleaners(only the rich had them),he also made cat whiskers radios for all the neighbours, so he could provide for his 13 children. He even had a car and he used to take the local Dentist out to extract teeth.But just think if he had a decent education maybe it would not be Currys or Dixons but Smith @ Sons. My Grandma could do the Times crossword most days and she left school at 12.No you do find certain crimes committed by certain people who do not work, cos if they did they would be too knackered at the end of the day to go out and you know they are going to breed more of the same, thats why certain sections are rioting in Northern Ireland fighting each other, you wont find many educated and intelligent people in there, if you add up their IQs you would be lucky it was 50 for the lot.I think of all my family who have been paid a pittance for all their work they did many years ago to make this country rich and i see the scum today and think of all my tax money paid out to them and they are not good enough to kiss by Grandparents a**e, i dont cry when they are found dead with drug overdoses i think of how much money the taxpayer has saved.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

...I just love to read what y'all write.....I can close my eyes and hear the English and Irish brogues...gotta love it!!


you sound like a sweetie and i'm like you...i chat with folks in line ups just to pass the time away....some people warm up.... some clam!!!
i've always thought i'd love to visit a british pub like the rovers on coronation street as the folks seem so friendly....and chatty....
i know it's only tv....
but it looks fun rather.

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