Will Trade Longhorn Okra or Sweet Basil for Herb or Heirloom Vegetablel seed

Braithwaite, LA(Zone 9a)

Year 2000 Harvest.

I have a nice supply of LONGHORN OKRA seed from the 2000 harvest.

This okra (here in the New Orleans area) grows on plants that reach upward of 10 feet
with fruits that remain tender even when 7-8 inches in length and can be used for gumbo,
frying or pickled.

I would be glad to trade 30-40 seeds for almost any kind of open pollenated vegetables or

Also have Sweet Basil seed.

Let me know what you have to trade, and I’ll get the seeds in the mail ASAP.

Dale L. Piret
PO Box 7
Belle Chasse, La. 70037

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