January 11, 2002 Healthy Living

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all, up late so thought I would do the devotion for today.


When I get hungry, I get nervous and anxious. I find that I snap at people and have a very short temper. This is an indication that food is more than just a pleasure; it is an addiction. To kick an addiction requires restraint and peace. Jesus Christ promises blessed peace and rest to all who come to Him. It is important for us to rely on the gentle comfort of God when we face the trials of dieting. God knows what we are going through., and He rejoices when we turn to Him for peace of mind and heart. It is not vital that we understand how this peace can come to us. What is important is that we truly believe God will grant it.

Todays Thought: In God, there is peace that is greater than the turmoil caused by our dieting!
Scripture: Philippians 4:7

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