last week big freeze...this week...

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

so this day last week we were having Arctic conditions with a low of -10C/15F.

a week on we are sitting at +11C/52F and it's midnight!!

we can never win in this country! we can have all seasons in one day.


LOL Mark

Pretty much the same news here although it was slightly less bracing.

Did you manage to save some of your plants?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

none! the cold was way too severe.

plant plug catalogues are already in so I'll be ordering in the next few weeks. I have to asume that all half hardy plants I order will die but I can usually expect my gazanias to survive most winters except this one and last year's.

A friend just up the road has a poly tunnel within a poly tunnel to keep delicate plants in over the winter. if I had the room I would do that also.

each year i'm gonna try and buy less and less hh stuff. this coming spring I will be ordering Marguerites, Gazanias and Arctotis only. I'm gonna create a bed with only these plants in it.

10 weeks to go to spring. ish!


That's such a pity, is there anything we may help you with plantwise?

I have a few tubers of Helianthus tuberosum if you are interested.

Sorry to hear of your losses Mark. I had problems with gale force wind - lost all my new sown hardy seeds (blown out of their pot`s) and 4 panes of glass out of the greenhouse - sore one! plant`s inside weren`t too badly damaged - I don`t think, proof will be come Spring!!

Temp up here was -6 but further up goy -12, brrr, a few losses this year all round.

Don`t think the plant`s know what`s going on?

On a cheerful note - it stayed lighter for longer today - spring is a coming!!


Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Yes Mark, the cold weather has gone here in NW England, to have been replaced by dreary grey weather and lots of fog, in fact this is killer weather,so would prefer 2-3 months of cold sunny weather to this. A man and his son have been drowned near Morecambe they were fishing for fish bait, and the tide came in quick, he phoned for assistance and the coastguards and RAF helicopters tried to rescue them but with the fog could not even see them,how heartbreaking.

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