To feed or not to feed...

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I admit it. I'm still feeding my fish, even though I know you're probably not supposed to this time of year. But they still come up every day when I walk out to check on them and the pond, and I can't bear to not feed them. Is there any real harm in continuing to give them a reduced amount of food as long as the water isn't frozen, and they're still hungry? They eat all of the food I toss to them (probably no more than a tablespoon of food all told); I know none is winding up on the bottom (except after it is digested :)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

can't remember all the scientific stuff, but it has to do with their metabolism and all. You need to stop. They come up cause they're trained to. I'll find out all the temps and stuff for when to start back. I know you love them, but it's really not good for them. It can kill them.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

Go Vols........... Have you checked the water temp?????????? If it is below 50' STOP FEEDING THEM......
Fish can't digest food below 50' it just sets in their system and rots, in fact it can kill them. I know it's hard not to feed them , they look so pathetic when they beg. But please stop for their sake.
I think it's called TOUGH LOVE.
But check the temp, it's very important.
We have a club here in Indiana/Michigan, go to, we have links to all the info that you could want.
Good Luck
Annabelle 15

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have stopped feeding mine too! It is really hard not to feed them but with the weather being warm here and all. The water is just too cold!!!!!!!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Okey dokey. Sigh. Never thought I'd have to practice tough love with the fish...(grin) I'll just have to stiffen my resolve when I visit them.

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

You sure are right it just about breaks you heart when you see them swimming to the top when they know you are there!!!!!! My biggest worry now is that they will freeze!!!!!

Saint Petersburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I don't have to worry about feeding my fish a egeret came along and ate the fish :o(

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Awww Irish, I'm sorry to hear about your fish! Wish you lived closer, I have extra's and I would have given you a few of mine

I guess those egerets are a southern thing....they got some of mine too.

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