2000 Going out of Business Trading List

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

As 2000 draws to a close, I am clearing out my seeds (ok, I must confess, I'm trying to determine what I absolutely, positively must order from those wonderful catalogs that are showing up in my mailbox!). I have the following for trade or SASE-I'd prefer trades (hopefully, multiple) whenever possible. Here's what I have left:

Achillea-Yarrow-'Coronation Gold'-perennial (8)
Achillea-Yarrow-'Moonshine'-perennial (2)
Anthemis tinctoria-'Kelwayi'-perennial (1)
Asclepsia-Incarnata pink-perennial wildflower (1)
Chrysanthemum x superbum-Shasta daisy-perennial (5)
Eupatoriaum-Chocolate Joe Pye Weed-perennial (8)
Heliopsis-'False Sunflower'-perennial (4)
Liatris spicata-'Kobold'spike Gayfeather-pink-perennial (8)
Mallow-'Zebrina'-perennial (1)
Milkweed-variety unknown-perennial wildflower (2)
Queen Anne's Lace-perennial (2)
Rudbeckia fulgida-Goldstrum-perennial (2)
Rubdeckia hirta-unusual branched plant with small yellow flowers/brown center-perennial wildflower(2)

Going once, going twice . . . let me know-thanks!

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

FYI I'm now out of Zebrina, Anthemis and Ascepsia Incarnata.

I would love some of both rudbeckias for a SASE. Just let me know. Thanks!

Spencerville, OH(Zone 5b)

I am a very new gardener, I don't have any seeds to trade yet! I would love any of them you have left for SASE.

Zebulon, NC(Zone 7a)

I would be interested in the Liatris spicata-'Kobold'spike Gayfeather-pink-perennial. Let me know where to send the SASE. Happy Holidays

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

I'm officially out of seeds and out of business. Thanks for all the great trades, and see you all next fall!

Beulah, MS(Zone 8a)

would like to have your chocolate joe pye weed and heliopsis for a sase or trade. Here's what i got;
cleome, pink lantana, malabar spnach, 4 o'clock, and hollyhcks.

Legal, AB(Zone 3a)

I'd love some queen anns lace let me know if there is anything you'd like to trade

I would love to trade for your
Eupatoriaum-Chocolate Joe Pye Weed-perennial
Liatris spicata-'Kobold'spike Gayfeather-pink-perennial
I have heavenly blue morning glory, mammoth sunflower, lilac, echinacea purpurea.
Happy New Year !

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I would like milkweed seeds. But the only thing I have now are three varieties of tomato seed, (goliath, brandywine, sioux) and moonflower vine seeds. Please let me know.

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