Lawn identification help

Morrisville, PA

There's something growing quite a bit taller than the rest of the grass that's coming up on a recently planted lawn (in Browns Mills, NJ). It was planted with 3 types of grass seed: Perennial Rye, Fine Fescue, and Kentucky Bluegrass (using this mix:

Can someone tell me if what's coming up is one of the grasses in this mix or if it's a weed (or something else)?

Thank you!

Morrisville, PA

Not sure why the images didn't post -- here they are.

Thumbnail by emblue Thumbnail by emblue Thumbnail by emblue
Morrisville, PA

Reply received from another source with a possibility -- thought it might be helpful to someone else.

"I believe this is nutsedge, although, grassy plants are very hard to ID from photos. I am sending you a fact sheet that shows ways to confirm its ID. Cutting a piece and looking at the cross section (your'll see in the link) is a great way to determine if its nutsedge. "

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