Need help in identifying grass type

Can someone please help identify which grass is it?

Thumbnail by Inetuser Thumbnail by Inetuser Thumbnail by Inetuser Thumbnail by Inetuser Thumbnail by Inetuser

Region is south Florida . If that helps

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm a native S. Floridian and never seen residential lawn grass that's not St. Augustine. Looks like that to me. I've otherwise seen zoysia & Bermuda on golf courses & hotel landscape but it's definitely neither of those. Growing a lawn in S. FL., on a nutrient poor sand substrate, has to be one of the most difficult horticultural challenges.

Thank you @MaypopLaurel.
I’m thinking it’s St. Augustine too. Wanted to confirm if anyone can identify.
Used apps but they are giving only 20-40% confidence

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

It's unfortunate that it's the only practical choice in S. Fl. Growing up I recall the tank truck spraying for chinch bugs & fertilizing several times a year, the annual truckloads of loam dumped and spread and sprinklers running three days a week. Despite that the entire lawn was ripped out every five years and resodded because it gets patchy. It's so course I didn't understand how people walked barefoot on grass until I experienced more northern lawns. Thankfully more people are zeroscaping.

I agree with you.

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