Is this a Golden Northern Bumble Bee (Bombus fervidus)?

Richardson, TX

These shots were was taken in North Texas, Dallas zip code 75218. Thank you!

Thumbnail by mle_flowers Thumbnail by mle_flowers
Richardson, TX

An additional shot with an observation of this single (bumble) bee. The separation of the ventral black from dorsal yellow on the abdomen is so striking! I've never seen any bee like that before. The precision of colorful designs in nature in so amazing. :)

Thumbnail by mle_flowers
Minot, ND

Although it looks like one, I suspect that it could be a male Bombus pensylvanicus - see the lower insect in this image:

Richardson, TX

Ah, I knew you would have something else up your sleeve lol! It certainly has the distinct color delineation, and I bow to the expert! :D Thank you! And I hope your remote trip was fantastic!

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