Help with IDing this vine trying to take over my lawn and gardens?

We live on edge of woods and this vine appeared a couple weeks ago. It is spreading like crazy, mostly in the lawn next to gardens. I imagine it is invasive, but I can't quite find anything that positively identifies it. This is a low-growing ground vine, leaves and are darker than they appear in pics, no flowers. I get something like this with yellow flowers in the spring that I try to pull out each year but so far haven't been successful in eradicating. So, not sure if this is the same thing coming back for a fall visit - or yet another new visitor to keep the crabgrass company. I wouldn't mind keeping it around if it can behave itself. Any help would be appreciated.

Thumbnail by FireandIceT Thumbnail by FireandIceT Thumbnail by FireandIceT Thumbnail by FireandIceT
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Compare to Veronica officinalis which has similar leaves but purple flowers. If you think it's a match you might want to start weeding.

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