I (and my cactus) could use some advice

Somers, NY

This cactus was bought over 20-years ago at a Home Depot when it was about 2-inches "tall". We'd lived in New York State and I kept it outside in the summer and inside in a somewhat sunny window over the cooler and colder months. Over the years it grew and it flowered in the last 10-years or so, sometimes profusely and sometimes twice in a summer, with yellow flowers. It's now 8-inches tall (measured from the top of the soil in the pot) and as the photo demonstrates, it now has new growth all around. We've just now moved to southern South Carolina and the sun shines here far more and for longer during the year than where we had lived in New York. I really don't know much about what to do for it in the changed conditions but I want to do the best I can for it. I'm primarily wondering if it should be repotted in a larger pot and if so, what time of year would be best to do that.. I'd appreciated any advice that would help. Thanks.

Thumbnail by AviInTheGarden

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