Help identifying zinnia flower

I sprinkled some zinnia seeds late fall and again early spring last year. They have started blooming and I’ve found one that I have NEVER seen before nor has some of my fellow gardening friends. I’m trying to find out if this is a fluke and 2seeds combined to cause this color to turn out the way it has on this particular flower. Or if this is some strain myself and my fellow green thumbers have never heard of. Any information is greatly appreciated or guidance in the right direction. I need to look to figure this out.

Thumbnail by Carrieaustin77
Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)

Hi Carrie,

That is not a strain you have simply not heard of. I would call it a mutation. You might enjoy saving seeds from it to see what you get. I cross-pollinate and breed zinnias as a hobby and go for new zinnia flower forms. I wouldn't expect seed saved from your mutant to "come true," but zinnias are full of surprises.


Thumbnail by Zen_Man

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