foxglove pests/diseases

Chelmsford, MA

Can anyone help me id this problem on my foxgloves? Do I need to dig up the plants and throw them out?

Thumbnail by ladyvincenza Thumbnail by ladyvincenza Thumbnail by ladyvincenza
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Looks like aphid damage. They can also transmit viruses. Foxgloves are susceptible.

Chelmsford, MA

Do I need to dig up the plants and throw them out? I already cut off the infested bits and threw them away. Any way to prevent this next time?
This only happened to those foxgloves I planted in the shade, FWIW

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I don't have an absolute answer to that as I can't confirm the cause. I'd probably leave them in briefly to see if there is healthy new growth. Foxgloves are treated as Spring annuals here and torn out by now. They can't stand the heat.

If you fertilize plants with high nitrogen fertilizer you aggravate aphid problems. They are attracted to lush growth.

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