What to Use to Deter Rabbits!

Franklin, MA

Last year we used a Havahart trap to catch rabbits in my perennial beds and we caught 13 over about 3-4 weeks. My husband then relocated them to an area with a field and wooded area about 5 miles away with no houses nearby. This year, my plants are being attacked again and I've seen one of the culprits in the perennial garden. He's chopped down 2 Liatris plants before they could bloom and several other plants. What works for others to deter them? Does Liquid Fence work? Thanks, Susan

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Liquid Fence works briefly. It seems to have no effect on rabbits or deer after a few applications or after rain. And it's not cheap. They will chew through any weight plastic mesh. The only way I've been able to keep rabbits out of my vegetable garden is with chicken wire barrier fencing. Not an attractive solution. I have five pots of eggplants lining the path outside the garden. They ate four of the five. I caged the replacements. We have also fenced for deer and added electric wire. I call my garden "The Gulag".

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