CLOSED: Any idea what this wasp\\\'s having for breakfast?

Richardson, TX

Any idea what critter this potter/mason wasp is attacking for breakfast? I'm not sure based on online images I compared matching a physical description. North Texas zip code 75082. Thanks!

Thumbnail by mle_flowers Thumbnail by mle_flowers Thumbnail by mle_flowers
Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

It's some type of Salvia

Richardson, TX

Thanks for the ID on the salvia. Sorry I didn't make myself clear. I was actually wondering what the wasp seems to be holding that looks like a gray green black spotted caterpillar. I'm attaching a new photo, could it possibly be a carrot-seed moth larva?

Thumbnail by mle_flowers
Minot, ND

That's as good a guess as any - there are some other species having a similar color pattern.

Richardson, TX


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