CLOSED: Spider? Killing Hardy Hibiscus Please Help!

The photos show the little round deposits on the stalks at leaf base (they look like they have a tiny thing inside in the center..I killed a yellow spider which had made sack web between two leaves. I have tried to remove all the little round sacs which are firmly attached and put diatomasious earth on top of the soil but there are new sacs today! The leaves with the sacs turn yellow and die within one day...thank you in advance for any help or ideas
Marsha Kirby

Thumbnail by marshakirby Thumbnail by marshakirby Thumbnail by marshakirby Thumbnail by marshakirby Thumbnail by marshakirby
Minot, ND

What you are seeing are abscission scars, protective layers made by the plant after a leaf petiole has detached from the stem - see
The spider that you killed was a harmless crab spider (family Thomisidae) that posed no threat whatsoever to the hibiscus plant.

Thank you!..I guess I should try to figure out why the plant is trying to lose its leaves!

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