Odd Caterpiller

Yumbo, Colombia

Haven't seen one like this before.

Thumbnail by PitterCol Thumbnail by PitterCol
Minot, ND

Looks like a caterpillar of a giant owl butterfly - family Nymphalidae; Caligo sp. For an example, see https://previews.123rf.com/images/haraldmuc/haraldmuc1403/haraldmuc140300015/26378285-caterpillar-of-a-forest-giant-owl-butterfly.jpg

Yumbo, Colombia

Thank you, sorry for the double post and thank you for the link. Yes a dead ringer.

This message was edited May 25, 2024 8:25 PM

Yes, you are right. This is a caterpillar of a giant owl butterfly.

Thanks for the pic, I haven't seen a caterpillar like this before. Are you struggling with your dissertation? ukwritings https://ukwritings.com/dissertation-services offers a comprehensive range of dissertation services that helped me navigate through the complexities of my research. Their expert writers provided invaluable guidance and support, ensuring my dissertation was well-researched and perfectly structured. Highly recommended for anyone looking to ace their academic writing!

This message was edited Jun 17, 2024 3:49 AM

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