I.D Help needed

I have been getting a number of these guys/gals in my bedroom lately, Was able to snap a few pics.
My dog is a brave bug hunter, this one didn't survive their meeting....

Thumbnail by HogDragon Thumbnail by HogDragon
Minot, ND

Knowing your general geographic location would be helpful. That aside, your first image appears to be a male house spider in the family Agelenidae; the second one looks like a female nursery web spider (Pisauridae) in the genus Pisaurina. Both are harmless to humans.

Southeast Virginia. Both pics are same spider btw

Minot, ND

In my defense, the habitus of the spider in the first image looked so much like that of a male giant house spider to me that I failed to enlarge it - I apologize for my mistake. I never would have guessed that the two images were of the same spider as their appearances looked so different to me.

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