Best,Worse,what did I learn today..come sit a spell with cherished old friends who are always welcoming to new friends..

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moving us over from here

Happy Thanksgiving my Canadian friends.

Dianne, hope most of this rain has missed you.. can envision you sitting next to the stove enjoying enjoying a good book while enjoying the heat of a roaring fire with dogs laying next to you, wish I could offer you some of my leftovers.

Susan, hooe you are still enjoying having no snow, there was enough to cover the ground about 3 hrs. north of me.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Somebody enjoyed Thanksgiving eats

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Sent admin ofDG Re 2 above posts


weird posts, for sure!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new room Betty. Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Grayson is getting so big.
Things are about the same here. Keeping her pain-free with meds, which means she sleeps most of the time.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Finally see a bit of the sun, wind is up and off into the distance is a black sky. i did a few trips to the back shed with totes, decided not to put fall sign away, turned it around and made it into a Halloween sign.

I am sure she knows Lindakay that you are by her side..must make a long day for you. Do you have some kind of project with you to fill in the hours? For sure Grayson is growing so quickly, hard to believe how fast the years are going.

Susan, they were weird posts, quoting time after time what I had written to Dianne.
How did you do yesterday, lots of fun?

In the meantime i have 3 boys doing Christmas tree skirts, at the point they cut off the corners to change it into a different shape, was ready to throw all those ends out when i thought i could sew 2 together, inside doesn’t match but i will get the accuquilt out and cut either snowflake or star and hide that area, will end up a Christmas gift.

Then I found some beautiful fabric that was a lovely star Christmas piece, these pieces left over could also be a Christmas gift so trying to do small projects in hopes of getting rid of all of these scraps that could become treasures.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

The worst part is yhey don't make a white fan that fits close the ceiling with light shades so will have to change the style etc.PLUS I have to hire someone to put the fan up. I am just plain crabby right now.

We made phone calls about the prospect of getting a "bridge loan", that is so known as a gap loan. The fees alone are over $10K so we are opting to not even consider it. Just disappointing and frustrating. We found a home we REALLY liked but there is no way we can be ready in time so oh well.

I guess the good news is we'll have the architect paperwork back shortly and be able to start getting bids to remodel Marie's house to know if that is a viable option.

The painter is here & is washiing down the outside of the house. If we dont' have rain he will start tomorrow.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, well almost evening, rain is still with us, infact I had therapy in Midland at 8am then decided to go for my blood tests, while driving to the other side of Midland while pouring the sun came out and the most beautiful rainbow appeared, by the time I stopped the car to take photo it was gone.

Pat, how very frustrating for you, here is hoping that the architect design is a good one and easily passed through council. That is a lot of $$$ for a bridge loan, guess all the paperwork but still, you would think that you would only pay for duration of the loan and that both your houses would sell quickly. Terrible when you have a plan and know what you want but everything is agains you. I wish I had more outdoor plugs, would love one on back deck. i know enough electricians guess I would just have to ask, might do.

I’ve been eating Turkey since Saturday, got to say dressing, turnip,Turkey that is left after supper will be no more. Sharon is having a perm and should be here shortly for soup, I will try to get her to take some along with the soup I made, it is so thick, wish I had a can of tomatoes, funny how it looks like you don’t have enough in the broth then all of a sudden it’s thick as paste, taste good though.

Have Peighton at 4:30p.m. Hoping once she leaves at 6:30 I will have some energy left to start the pillow panel, i soon will be finished summer, had 25 colour changes, spring is left to do, am sure that is a colour changer as well.

Sure wish we would get a hi from Dianne and the rest of the girls, worry about them all!!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Rained again today so no painting. Octovia (painter I hired) is digging up a couple of bushes that were no longer looking nice. He raked up junk/garage/leaves & general mess out of the rock & flower beds. He has dug up a window well that rusted out. I am waiting for Lowe's to text me that my order is ready for pickup. I found a flush mount white fan/light. It is NOT the kind I had but it will do & it did not cost & arm & a leg so I just need to suck it up.
Sharon & I have spent more time in the shed going thru boxes & weeding out stuff I can donate, throw out or re-box & label. I have loaded up all of last year's winter clothes for donating, they are all too big. About time to go back out there & resume working!

Verona, ON

Hi everyone. The sun just came out so hopefully I can get some leaves blown away from the house.

Zeke is growing like a bad weed. He's not as tall as Chaos but Rottis are late bloomers.

I see it is Friday the 13th tomorrow. Wonder how many bikers will make the trip to Port Dover ? I was listening to news on a channel from Boston and they call today Friday eve.

Deb how are your pups doing?

Sandman did not find me last night so I might have a nap before I venture outside.

Stay safe and well.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Good to hear from you Diane, we need an updated pic of Zeke! He always sounded like such a sweet, smart boy! Is Chaos still tolerating his nonsense as well as ever?

Praying no rain here so we can move forward with painting today. It is not in the forecast for the next 3 days... hoping they are right. I want to get this done.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, hurrah, sunshine today but leaves are way to wet for me to work with, Dianne you must have one heck of a blower, my little better operated one is lucky if it blows dust bunnies.

Would love to see photo’s of the TH as well. Greg often goes to Port Dover on his spider, he didn’t mention he was going, will have to ask. How is the wood situation, all l8ned up in rows? Guess all the cottagers have left now that Thanksgiving is over, be quiet in your neck of the has your health been?

Pat, sure sounds like you are on a mission. Wonder if the rest of us is only having rain, i get tomorrow with sunshine then starts the rain again. Had to smile, your painter has turned 8nto a gardener lol. You are lucky Sharon has been helping out. Glad the fan situation has been addressed.

I feel like I’ve done nothing but I’ve done a zillion little things that needed done, Darlene and John came around 11am and put some new floor transitions as they were worried I’d trip on the ones I had and of course would not let me pay for the supplies which was about $60, i have to return the kindness to them but not sure how as yet. I will miss them, they leave for Myrtle beach in about 10 days and don’t come home til May but all going well I will be there for Christmas.

Mom goes next week for biopsy Re her thyroid, she is a tad nervous.

Sharon went for x-rays on her knees this morning. Tomorrow she is at school for Kunik so I will go with her and while she is in class I will go get embroidery supplies, needles,tear away,101,threads etc so I can start embroidering another season panel pillow set. Not very hard, just sit and watch machine for hours.

Youngmason comes at 3:30 to do a few things outdoors for me, forgot that Ari, whose mom passed away last week is coming at same time for her lesson so I’ve been marking a few things down, hope Mason can figure out my instructions. Started to cut down Angel trumpets and cut ready for wintering and growing. Just thought of the big metal basket I want inside.
Deb, how are the dogs do8ng, any update on the one you might have to pick up?

Sharon goes to a show in Buffalo next week, wants me to go, will see

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I am here and all is well. It that time of year I cut back the perennials and get the beds ready for spring flowers. Worked Monday and Tuesday on that project. Ran into a tree root problem and spent 2 1/2 hours in an area I wasn't planning on but it is now done. We are currently 67 degrees and slight wind. I had a hair appointment yesterday so had it cut, went to Trader Jo's and Costco. I was going to go to Sprouts but decided against it. Step son Brian ˙as been helping me in the garden with going behind me and picking up whatever I cut. You gardeners know that is a big help. So rewarded him with all of the food he loves to eat.

Betty, I bought two bathroom hand towels that were embroider and obviously done by machine and a cheap job. So I have decided to re-embroider them. I saw this really neat new toy out this year for presents for the holidays. You can put a photo of something in it and it reflects that image on a paper or whatever and you can either draw it or paint it.

Betty, you should make up a couple of turkey tv dinners in containers and freeze them. When it is cold, you will enjoy it. The friend that comes to visit every Saturday helped me last week make some pumpkin break with chips and walnuts. I cut it up and put it in the freezer. I have a small slice with my hot chocolate collagen usually every morning. That was so sweet of your friends fixing that for you so you have one less trip hazard. This is the first year we have ever had mosquitoes. They think they came in with the hurricane wind storm that blew through here. Colder weather will get rid of the living ones. Will be interesting to see if the eggs survive our winter and come back. I have never been to Buffalo. Hope Sharon gets good news on her knee.

Pat, it sounds like you are making progress. When my neighbors across the street moved they were shocked what they found. Many items they forgot they even had. Their new home was much smaller than this home and they could not fit their old furniture into their new home and no one wanted to buy it. They ended up donating the majority of it. Sounds like you found a keeper in the guy that is helping you. A bridge loan is an expensive loan. They know it is a short term loan so they need to make their money upfront.

Diane, so pleased you got all of your wood stacked. I saw that on another blog. Your dogs are so lucky to have you. You are such a loving, caring individuals for your pups.

To everyone else lurking, have a wonderful day. I am off to garden.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, when Sharon goes to a dog show does she take ALL of her dogs with her, whether they are showing or not? How many does she have at home?

Sharon, TREE roots, the bane of my existence! and mosquitos, lucky you (NOT)!

Stanley got out and gave me a scare I have him locked up in my computer room in kitty prison. I can't be worrying about him right now.

Lunch break is over, back to work.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am teaching my nephews wife how to sew. She made a baby quilt for a friend that is having a baby. Then we made place mats and a table topper that are reversible. She really loves to sew. I just need to go get a pretty fall flower arrangement.

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I did work on the area on the other side of the driveway and again, ran into roots but I knew they would be there. Spent close to 3 hours but did get an area really cleaned of roots. Tomorrow I will work on the irrigation in those two areas and add some new soil.

Pat, I would go crazy if I lost one of my cats. Boots never leaves the yard but Peanut wanders everywhere. Everyone in the neighborhood knows her. I am very determined to have her in the house by 4pm because that is when the owls show up.

Verona, ON

Sun is shining but it is still in the 40's so will wait before I go out and do the tango with the leaf blower.

I can't remember if I mentioned this but both my brother and BIL died a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't seen my brother in person since 1996 at my sweet dad's funeral. It was in the 80's when I last saw my BIL. Warren saw BIL at a show we were doing and said he looked relaxed and happy. My mom always used to say if DSis and BIL lived in the same house only on different floors they would have got along.

How's that puppy doing LK?

Karen are you still with us ? I am so sorry someone on DG caused you to make this decision. I will miss your posts.

Betty how are you feeling this morning? I ended up taking my sleeping pills last night so got some good sleep.

Pat I'll get a friend to take some pics of Zeke and I will post them when I get them.

Need to find some breakfast that banana I had didn't do the trick.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Diane, looking forward to your pictures.

Linda, that is really neat that you are teaching more people to enjoy quilting. An awesome feeling to share our hobbies!

Sharon, you put so many hours into your garden!! I hope your stepson continues to help as well.

Help arrives shortly and groceries. They rented a backhoe and followed the sewer line until it finally terminated in the septic tank. What a mess! BUT, Jack (my neighbor in charge!) will have an extension collar put on it so it will not have to be dug up again. When the decision to get a backhoe was made, I was out there pruning & digging up plants like crazy to widen the "path" along the garage to get the backhoe thru. I had to remove a metal garden arch as well. And some garden art LOL.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

My puppy isn't so small..she is 13 weeks old and weighs 18 pounds. I will have my son send me a current photo.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon all,

Was up at 6:30 and this is the 1st time I actually am sitting, waiting for soup to warm up and it will be breakfast, lunch and supper.

Dianne, my condolences on the death of your brother and BIL.p, even though you haven’t seen them in so many years they are still a part of your heart. Looking forward to seeing the TH as I am to see Lindakay’s little (not) puppy.

That is quite the undertaking Pat, the arch must have been difficult. I would dread having something go wrong with my sewer pipes, wouldn’t know where to start + a costly venture.

Lindakay, when you are back on a normal schedule you should start teaching. sewing..she has done a great job, can see the smile that both of you are proud. Did she or is it your sister who had the machine, ahhh maybe it flew with you? How is your sister today?

Sharon your body must be sore today after all that work, dealing with roots isn’t for the weak.

This morning I was 8n Midland at 8:00, did my groceries then met Darlene and John at the pharmacy, i told them about flu and Covid injection meds were in so we all got both.

Then off to meet with Sharon and went to Barrie, dropped off Sharon’s long arm for serving while Sharon was in with Kinuk for class. i picked up what wouldn’t fill a small zip lock bag, needles, prewound bobbins etc and spent $75, big sigh. The owner came out with a trolley to bring Sharon’s machine in, I filled the papers out, the counter girl says, there is a $45 deposit on machines brought in for maintenance, I said ‘I will pay it but I am shocked that someone bringing in a machine valued approx $10k would need to leave a deposit, if you don’t pick it up the price of cleaning it and adjusting it is about $200 wouldn’t that be a bargain for you?’ So i didn’t leave the deposit.

Yesterday after posting, Darlene called theory upset, her best friend son in his early 30s was killed in a head on collision he in a vehicle and other in a transport. Darlene has had no children so her friends children are like her own,so very sad!

I usually have two little girls who come Saturday morning for lessons, but one can’t come tomorrow so the mom messaged me last night asking if it was OK that she come after school today at four, I said yes but now that it’s nearing four I sure wish I hadn’t said I would, have to think things out better

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Linda, I'll bet Lizzie is a solid little chunk at this point!

Betty, I am sure when it's time to teach and you have already had a full day it's hard to remember why you said yes!

Septic to be pumped on Thursday! Marie & I are going to focus on getting MY house ready for listing. since it is closest to ready. THEN, transfer attention to Marie's after mine is on the market. We saw the most beautiful house today!! Guess we will just hope when the time comes something as prefect becomes available.

We got the drawing from the architect, what a joke. A simple line drawing with almost no detail, I don't know how THAT can get us any closer to getting accurate bids. Seriously, even the drawing of the garage didn't show any man-doors! RRrrrrr.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I would love to teach quilting. Kathy is sleeping almost 24 hours a day. Not doing good.
Lizzie is growing. 32 pounds now.

Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, sorry to hear that Lindakay, hugs and prayers for all of you. You would be a great teacher, something to really think about. Young Evan was here this morning sewing before Mason came and he was saying he had anger issues and he loved coming, going on 3 years) because it gives him a sense of calmness.

Lizzie is just adorable, doesn’t shed hair correct?

Pat likely architect charged you big bucks for the desIgn and so little on it. Did you by any chance show your frustration and disappointment to him. The pitz when you find someth8ng you really love and would be great for you both and unable to purchase. Could you not make an offer based on you must sell yours first, know that the seller then if gets another bid you have 24-48 hrs to come up with funds, might give you a bit of time.

Have Lily here worked out f8ne. One of the boys came at 8 and left early, Evan left at 11, Adele was sick couldn’t come and then Selma who comes at 1 didn’t come up from the city this weekend so I am a happy camper.

I went out and cut my yard then mulched it, did the neighbours, Jamie’s yard, guy that died but I will tell her i won’t be doing it anymore, so much garbage/items all over the yard you can barely home but now a dump over past years.

I just put away a few things and managed to get the pump into the pond that empties the pond, a few days of drying and i can get in and remove the water feature unit.
, put a piece to embroider on the machine, turn the set of bowl cozies right side out and have a nap.keep thinking i should be doing something important😜

Thinking of ordering poutine from Bubba’s pizza, that would be lunch and supper.

Feel8ng like a nap

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Linda, at least asleep she is away from the pain. I am sorry to know you are both going thru this.

I was not the one dealing with the architect, Marie was.

Back out to the barn, sorting into donate, throw out or keep. I know I will have to get MORE ruthless as I am still keeping too much.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I was just going to ask, which is the bigger pile. Maybe go through everything then start all,over. And do again


Hi All - sorry, been MIA and busy. Used to have 2 Saturdays free in Oct, but today even one went by-the-way lol

Linda Kay - at least while she's sleeping she's pain-free. Bless you for being with her. I know that she appreciates you.
Betty - you're not talking about your pain as much. Is it better? Looking forward to seeing your pillows finished.
Pat - so, you're going to renovate Marie's place & both of you live there? You'll be living in the renovation zone, or stay somewhere else while it's being done?

Played in a crib tournament today, and they served lunch - ham & scalloped potatoes, etc. Last night was our Senior's Games Night.
In the morning, the RCMP were supposed to come with Bob to pick up some of his stuff & I was going to have him served with the Divorce papers. On Thurs I was supposed to have a handyman come look at my water pipes. He cancelled & I went to Red Deer to get the divorce papers filed. It took 1 1/2 hours longer than it should have, because they had me fill out the wrong papers, so I had to stay & re-do them. I was going to have the neighbour's handyman serve them. Now he has to go to where Bob lives, to serve them. Ah well. Bob will have 20 days to refute them & if he doesn't then they will go through as I've stated them. I'm asking for him to pay the costs of this action ($260). I've said he has to remove all his stuff (including the motor home) within 30 days of his being served.
I have one day this month with nothing on - Oct 28th. Busy, busy, busy.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, we honestly don't know if we will buy together or remodel her house & live there. If we remodel, we will be living in the construction zone. Part of the issue is not knowing the cost of the remodeling. It's very frustratingly slow. Get the plans drawn up, get bids. I do NOT know how any contractor could generate a bid for the drawing the architect gave us, it is so incomplete. THEN get a building permit after selecting a contractor. Her county is notoriously slow to issue building permits. We could easily be a full year getting this done. THAT is one of the reasons I would rather we sell both & buy.

Another reason is that her home is way out in the sticks and it is 20 minutes + to get anywhere or anything. AND she has over an acre! Her grandkids are moving the lawn for now but in less than 5 years they won't be there. .

We believe my house will sell first because it's less expensive and not so far out of town, more marketable. We'll see!! If someone is looking for property in Burbank, her house is one of the few nice ones on the market.

If we decide to buy rather than remodel her house, and my house sell's first, we will buy, move me in & then her in as well while hers is up for sale. Between the sale of 1 house and available cash, we can handle the purchase even before the sale of the 2nd house.

SIL Sharon came over and we continued to sort thru the boxes in the storage building. I have a teen coming Monday to help carry out all the boxes from the house out to the storage building.

My painter is finally working on the house, the paint on the right is the new color. The green I had picked out was soooo much prettier but my realtor said it was NOT a good choice for resell.

Thumbnail by psychw2
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I had a wonderful day. Friend came by for weekly Saturday visit. While she was here I gave Emma a bath because she had been helping mom garden and was really dusty. Then after friend left, I watered indoor plants, did a load of wash, cleaned KOI pond and watered plants. My ice maker replacement arrived today so I cleaned out the old one and put the new one together. What a hassle. The kids gave me the ice machine for my 80th birthday and it had a one year warranty. It stopped working 1 year and 15 days. I just called to see how I could get it fixed and because of my charming 80 year old sense of humor (lol), they decided to give me a brand new one but it comes with no warranty. I only have one appointment next week on Tuesday so I should get all of the spring gardening completed. Step-son has been a really big help and I am making sure he understands that. Pat, without gardening, I do not know what I would do. I am getting ready to go buy plants and redo some pots for a neighbor that is ill. I am also taking care of some plants for a neighbor that has moved and does not have the landscape completed to move them to their new home. I also have two very large pots by the Guard Gate that I plant the flowers. So that also has to be done this week.

Susan, you are one busy lady. It would be nice if he doesn't answer and you could just get quietly divorced.

Betty, your young man with the anger problems is so lucky to have you in his life. Sounds like you had a good week. What did they say about Sharon's knee?

Pat, it must be frustrating to find a home that would be good for both of you and you are not ready to buy yet. But it does sound like you are making great progress.

Linda, I am so pleased you are able to be there with your sister. Even if she is asleep, she knows you are there. and your puppy is adorable. such beautiful color and looks very healthy.

Emma says it is time to go to bed. She is like an alarm clock. Hugs to you all.

Verona, ON

Good morning. It's a dull day with a chance of rain.

I ended up not doing much with the leaves yesterday. There are many still falling.

Zeke joined his friends Piper and Nyla for a walk yesterday. He came home exhausted.

Pat I will get Jen to take pics of Zeke this week.

Need to make an appointment for Chaos at the vet's. He has a huge cyst growing on his belly. It doesn't bother him at all. It's me that is bothered by it.

LK sending prayers that your sister passes gently. Your little girl is gorgeous. Love her name.

Betty what is on the agenda for you today?

Someone is at my door or so the TH tell me. BBL

Victoria Harbour, ON

Susan, you will be glad to get those papers delivered and the pick up of Bob’s things behind you as it must constantly be on your mind. Don’t fill your days too much because down time is good for you.

As for my pain Susan other that my shoulders I feel like a new woman, now that is month 1 of my injections, month 2, bearable, it’s the 3rd month that is unbearable.

Pat I like the new colour, gives it a nice fresh pick me up, i would imagine realtors get feed back and neutral colours are more to the liking of many. Will you be planting in the gardens next to the house. Thought you were going to say the teen was going to help you with all the boxes to the dump lol

Dianne, it’s the lightest of rain here and cold, just makes it miserable for we who had plans to work outside. You wait for all the leaves to fall before you blow them? I would say that it’s been about 5 times i circled and circled yard making a heap of leaves then mulched them, when i went to bed last night my shoulders were a hurting, couldn’t figure out why and just now talking about leaves I guess it’s the energy it takes 8n the arms to turn that rider. Zeke loves her play dates with the other dogs as she is still a babe. Hope the vet says the growth is fatty tissue and no worries. How is your wood situation, all done.

Deb, how are the puppies doing, bet they are big. Would imagine you are having this cold weather as well.

Lindakay, hope today is a pain free day for your sister. When are you scheduled to go home, thinking maybe another week?

Sharon, have you ever taken note of how many hours you spend in a week in your gardens. I was giggling, can imagine the goings on between you and the ice maker agent, whatever you did great you got a new one.

Nightmares all night, glad to be up

Joanne called me about 9, she lives in Lafontaine, she came at 10, we had nice visit. She went to Meaford last week sand said wasn’t as good, she said the crafters making those bowl cozies did very well selling them. They were asking $8 each. I showed her the ones I make so we sat and made 2 and I gave her the fabric to match her 2 so she has a set of 4. When she drove here she said she actually saw a few snow flakes..imagine!

Karen, when she came downstairs she saw the pretty chenille piece I did, she ohh’d and ahhh’d over it, i bought the panels in Frankenmuth when we were there and Lindakay as well at that pretty fabric shop, Joanne and I got on the subject of Frankenmuth and decided we have to make a trip there soon.
I didn’t have breakfast, tummy hungry so best I see what I can make for a late lunch/early supper. I’ve got a pie shell made, i will make cocoanut cream filling later, also made a few muffins.

Ziggy was out for a bit but not a fan of cold so he is up laying next to me, I am sitting watching the embroidery machine work, making darts on more of the bowl cozies, the batting is soft and warm to Ziggy so he is in a deep sleep, i want to work 9n them but don’t want to move him lol

Other than that I am painting a simple face on the pumpkin for outside, while paint dries I play with cozies.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I was supposed to fly back this Thursday, but considering how my sister isn't doing well, I will be adding 2 more weeks to my visit here.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They mean so much.
Susan, praying all goes well with your divorce.


Pat - I know you'll be glad when your home situation will be settled. I cannot for the life of me think how you & Marie are going though this. I know that this is a stressful time for you.
Betty - so glad to hear that you're doing better. The 3rd month will be over before you know it.

I handed off the papers to the person who will serve Bob. I DO just want this over with. It's very dragging, mentally, I feel like my mind & home are clearing out and that helps my state of mind, so that's a blessing. When I get it all done, inside my home, I'll take some pictures for here.
One step at a time.
I got a costume to wear on Hallowe'en when our community centre is hosting space for residents to hand out candy. I have a LOT of decorations to help decorate the Library, the Senior Centre & also the Community Centre. Yes, ladies, I do have a lot of decorations lol The costume is sort of a tyrolean dress (red/white/with black embroidery & black/white bodice) and I got a hooded cape as well. Sort of like a Little Red Riding Hood look lol
It was nice & warm today - about 68F Mornings are very cool, warm in the day, then dropping to freezing overnight.

This message was edited Oct 15, 2023 9:45 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon everybody,

Susan, it is cold here as well for a while I was freezing turned up the heat now I’m boiling turn down the heat going to be like that I guess for a few weeks till it decides to stay cool.the friend that will give it to Bob is he also a friend of Bob’s and doesBob have to sign it..might be awkward for your friend.

Glad Linda Kay that you’ve decided to take an extra two weeks you would feel badly leaving Only for her to leave this world and you not be by her side.

Seems the Sandman isn’t coming on my route, so it’s up past the 90 game drats hate nightmares. Look like it might’ve been a good day today when it first started out I didn’t even have a coffee and rushed out with the jacket and got my weedeater and did all along the fencing getting rid of hostas then around the back deck a couple in the front and then ran out of power so I had to charge the battery but did have another but it started sprinkling. Not sure how this using the weedeater to get rid of the hosta leaves just going to work out but it’s worth a try.

I got 10 Bowl cozies, ready to do the final stage around the top while sitting here on the couch today and worked on the top of the top beehive pillow, just need bottom done and i will have 2 sets which means 2 pillows, might try one more set which is 8 pieces but a lot of work.

Young Vanessa will be here at 3:30 so i decided to have my eats early, was almost going to start eating and Tom from the restaurant brought me 2 extra large and thick quiche, now what

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Put the quiche in the fridge for tomorrow.
Hospice nurse told us this morning, that it will be maybe a few days for Kathy. Her body continues to shut down. She can't swallow anything without choking, there is sediment coming out of her catheter. Nurse says it is kidney failure.

Victoria Harbour, ON

My heart goes out for you all, what a difficult to go through and watch
Prayers for all.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Linda, I remember when we were close to the end with my BIL Phil. You just wait and pray, give comfort as best you can.

Susan, when my divorce became final it was July 1, 2004. I remember thinking it would have been more appropriate for it to be the 4th of July!

Betty, it is exciting that you got SOME relief for a while. Hopefully the results will be good with the next injection as well.

It's a mess here. It started to rain, there is mud everywhere and the ground is open for the septic tank pumping on Thursday. I have tools and patio furniture I can't put away because of painting.... YUK

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well, guys, we were 90 degrees today. I took the old ice maker to Fed Ex but the return receipt did not work so I had to com home and request another shipping label. There was a woman, about my age, standing behind me complaining about the wait. The young man that was helping me was being helped by the supervisor and they both thanked me very much for being so pleasant and patient. On the phone call to GE about the ice machine, I was helped by a young lady. I always start out that I am 81 and
just trying to get on with my life, but this silly ice machine I thought was ridicilious when my childen purchased for me for my 80h bithday, and now I cannot live without it. She told me I was a about a month over the warranty date and I told her I know but I was dealing with the "Blue Light". The "Evil" Blue light. When I SAID THE "EVIL BLUE LIGHT, SHE LAUGHED. I knew then I had reeled her into my 81 year old web.
The Blue Light is on the front of the machine and keeps flashing and tells you the machine needs more water. So she kept on getting information, and laughing at my jokes. At the end of the conversation, she said she would look into see what she could get done on my behalf. At the end of the call I thanked her for laughing at my jokes and for talking to an old lady that did not have too many people to talk to. The next day I got the e-mail I was getting a new machine. Sugar always goes so much further than vinegar.

Today I purchased many flowers to be planted Wednesday. That should finish the front landscape. The beds are ready, I just have to plant. And I have my neighbors plants to do also. Going to be in the high 80s and low 90s all week.

Linda, I pray for you and your sister and her family in my nightly prayers. At least you are getting a warning. Vern surprised the Hospice head nurse. She said she had no indication he was any where near dying. Death at your sister's stage in her illness is a blessing. And the Angels will make her journey absolutely beautiful. Anyway, that is my belief.

Susan, sure hoping Bob got served with his papers.

Pat, rain is not what you need right now. But that does give you a chance to do work inside.

Betty, I love quiche cold. So I would opt to est what you had in the skillet, that looked delicious, and have the quiche tomorrow, so ditto to Linda.

Hugs to you all from sunny Las Vegas.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Prayers for your sister and for you, LindaKay.

Taking half the day off work to pack up the car. Heading to central Ohio tomorrow for the Afghan Hound Club of America show which will last through the weekend. More of a social event for me. I get to catch up with friends from all over the country that come for this. Showing one of my boys, bringing the pups along for socializing, and meeting a couple people who expressed interest in them.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Debbie, that will be fun to see all your friends and show off your pretty puppies! I'll bet they are looking more mature with longer hair every day.

"The evil blue light" huh? Way to go Sharon! My kids had a bumper sticker made for me years ago with one of my favorite saying "Old age and treachery will win over youth and skill". I've been working the "I'm old and feeble and you are young and strong" line with my kids forever. Sadly, with the continued decline in the function of my hands it's becoming more true than I would like!

Continued prayers for you and your sister Linda.

You are really whipping those cozies out Betty!

Susan, praying that Bob was served and you can continue to move forward.

Karen, I hope you are lurking, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, must mark my calendar, had frost this morning, sure sign of what is coming next..
Will be back but want to put 8n a full day, been out for 2 hrs raking out corners where my rider does get in so out comes the lawnmower, I’ve a jacket on and a pair of mitts imag8ne

See you on next break, got to get a coffee to go to warm me up while on lawnmower

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