What are those ants doing to my cow peas?

Fairhope, AL(Zone 8b)

My second wave of cowpeas is struggling mightily with the heat on the Gulf Coast. I have 40% shade cloth (down from 70% too much) over my elevated raised beds.

I know that ants will protect aphids but there is no sign of aphids at all. The ant poison isn't killing them at all. I'm just starting to get a few full pods but the majority of them die aborning.

So is it ants or extreme heat?

Thumbnail by pobruce Thumbnail by pobruce
Castro Valley, CA

I had no idea about the ants so I googled it. I doubt the ants are causing the problem.

"Ants love those peas because of the extrafloral nectaries found on the plants. These special nectaries are super rich and highly attractive to ants; there's no keeping them away.

The southern peas are the most notorious for having extrafloral nectaries. They evolved to attract ants in a mutually beneficial relationship....the ants protect the peas from grazing animals and feeding insects in return for the enriched nectar.

Nothing to do with aphids"
How do I get rid of ants on my pea plants?
7 Simple Ways to Keep Ants Off Your Pea Plants – Backyard ...
Here are 7 ways to get rid of ants on your pea plants:
Soapy Water Spray. I use a 2-gallon sprayer and simply store whatever I don't use for next time. ...
Orange Oil Spray. ...
Neem Oil. ...
Pyrethrin Spray. ...
Diatomaceous Earth. ...
Boric Acid. ...
Repellent Materials.

Hope this helps.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Zilly has pointed you in the right direction. I grow eight or more varieties of cranberry beans, limas, cowpeas and relatives such as yard longs every year. The extra floral nectaries initially attract lots wasps, especially yellow jackets, as well as big black ants. The wasps leave as the flowers dwindle but the ants stay and feed right where the peas join the stem making picking a challenge. Pick by twisting or cutting just at the base of the pea because a second set of peas can set at that growing tip. And you must know that dance we do when picking peas and shaking our arms to get rid of those frantic ants!

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Fairhope, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank you both for your information. I've been thumping the stems and cutting where the pea joins the stem. Learned quickly that my "bush" pink eye quick pick cow peas would just keep on growing. I'm upset that the poison does not seem to faze the ants and me an organic gardener. I'll use the soap spray. But I just hate seeing all the peas that don't ever fill out. It's a small garden so stuff doesn't get lost or hidden.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Highly doubtful ants have anything to do with why your peas are not filling as cowpeas are self-fertile. Perhaps weather conditions or a soil deficiency is to blame.

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