Dogwood dying

Cleveland, GA

I live in Georgia and this past winter it went down to 7 degrees for 4 nights in a row. Unheard of for us. Now my dogwood seems to be dying. It has several dead limbs and the ones that aren't dead have only a few leaves at the very top. I've already cut back some of the dead limbs. Should I trim the whole tree back this fall and hope for the best?

Thumbnail by Crimsonwillow
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm not sure it's weather related since I am also in Cleveland, GA and have a number of dogwoods. All bloomed well and appear unscathed. On the other hand several zone straddling shrubs, like gardenias, were very unhappy. I saw six degrees on my thermometer. Have you checked leaves for anthracnose? I'd probably treat with fungicide since dogwoods are so predisposed. Meanwhile only cut dead wood for now and see what's going on next spring as far as shaping.

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