Digging up tubers mid season?

Milton, DE

We are moving and need to dig up our tubers mid season to store and plant at our new location next season. Will this harm the tubers and/or are there special instructions to have success?

Crawfordsville, OR

Digging up the tubers mid-season shouldn't hurt them at all. Make sure you put them in a cool, dry place until the new season begins then plant them in soil with lots of nutrients. Taylor the soil level and they should do great.

Crawfordsville, OR

No worries! Digging up tubers mid-season shouldn't be an issue. Just be sure to keep them in a cool, dry place and plant them in the same way when you move to your new location. It should be an easy transition, no sweat!

Stand by to uncover dahlia tubers until the top development passes on back or is killed by the main hard ice. However the foliage might be dead, dahlia tubers will keep on creating for a period.

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