spider bites

Trinidad - CA, United States

We've recently moved to the Northern California coast (several years ago).

After the first 6 months, my wife & I started noticing that we were receiving spider bites all the time; most likely while sleeping. This was new to each of us.

Our house is just a few feet away from a small forest of very old redwood trees; coastal ferns are everywhere. The climate is moist and definitely different from where we came from; Los Angeles. We now live in a rural area . . not sure what to expect.

Not sure what I'm asking for . . just comments, I guess.

Thanks, Mark

Minot, ND

It is very unlikely that spiders would be responsible for the bites you are experiencing. Unfortunately, about the only way to determine what is responsible would be for you to actually see the culprit(s) in the act of biting. Spiders normally bite only when being handled (personal experience) or when trapped against one's skin by clothing or bedclothes, and this doesn't happen very often.

Castro Valley, CA

Are you sure they are not bed bug bites? Bed bugs are so hard to get rid of.

Have you see spiders in your bed? Odd you get repetitive spider bites. If you see them, get a photo. There is a man on here in the bug ID forum who is great at IDing bugs. https://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/bugid/all/

I have lived in Northern California for over 40 years. We had brown recluse spiders in our garden shack and in our crawl space under the house. My husband tossed those spider killer bombs in the shack and in our crawl space to kill them all. I think we did it twice. We left the house for a few days after as I was not going to breath the stuff. It worked. My husband went down there and covered the dirt with heavy heavy plastic after. Do you have a dirt crawl space? Lots of houses in California do not have real basements like the East does.

Edited to say I had left this window open to answer when I had a minute but see that our resident bug expert Flapdoodle, had already answered. Then I realized you had posted this in the correct forum. LOL I thought it was in beginner gardening. I think I am having mental confusion. LOL

This message was edited Nov 17, 2022 2:58 PM

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