Thunder Bay , Canada

I found this one on some backyard ferns. I've looked through the internet on spiders of Ontario and gosh but these are hard to id. I'm thinking either some form of orb weaver or a common garden spider. It seems one leg is missing unless its tucked out of sight somewhere. This one is about the size of a quarter with the legs.

Thumbnail by Jabeka
Minot, ND

It's Dolomedes striatus, a fishing spider in the family Pisauridae -

Thunder Bay , Canada

Now I certainly was not expecting that. There is no water in our back field so it’s surprising that we have fishing spiders. I do remember seeing something similar on our dock at camp but never around the yard. Thank you Flapdoodle for the info.

Minot, ND

In spite of their common name. fishing/dock spiders often are found quite far from any obvious water.

Thunder Bay , Canada

Thanks once again Flapdoodle and good to know they don't need to go "fishing" in a pond :)

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