Cane with Pom-Poms

Elgin, OR

Hi all,
I looked over several places on the site and couldn’t find anything that indicated this specimen. I found it in a sub alpine forrest around 3500 Ft. There was only one clump. In case the photo doesn’t load: it appears to be rose type canes with thorns. Rose type, opposite leaves. The tallest cane was 6ft. It had green and and red variegated pom-poms. The 1-2” hair resembles moss in texture. The largest was golf ball sized. Smaller ones were completely red. They joined immediately to the cane, no petiole. It had an intense raspberry odor.

Thumbnail by Toxed2loss
Castro Valley, CA

Ah, the 'moss' gives it away. Mossy rose gall wasp Very cool.

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