Omg what is this

Vancouver, WA

This scared the hell out of me when I moved this wood aside. Very large.

Thumbnail by Jrockca Thumbnail by Jrockca Thumbnail by Jrockca
Minot, ND

It appears to be a funnel weaver (family Agelenidae) in the genus Eratigena - see for an example. Your specimen appears to have darker pigmentation than usual for these spiders.They are not dangerous to humans.

Vancouver, WA

Is it possible to be a gravid giant house spider? This thing was the size of a half dollar with leg span.

Minot, ND

Quote from Jrockca :
Is it possible to be a gravid giant house spider? This thing was the size of a half dollar with leg span.

That is the most likely possibility. However, I am reluctant to make specific determinations of these spiders based solely on their color patterns seen in images.

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