Laurel ficus nitidia diseases and dying

El Cajon, CA

Hello everyone!

I recently planted 12 Laurel ficus nitidia trees and they seemed to be doing okay until out of nowhere some kind of diseases, fungus or insect began decimating the new trees. I can’t seem to figure it out, perhaps a fungus from overwatering? I’ve tried neem oil and an inorganic chemical spray to mitigate the issue to not much avail. I water them once every seven days for 4 hours with a slow drip into a 14” deep watering stakes. Please help, I’m losing trees left and right, and am at complete loss! I will upload as many photos as I can Thank you in advance!

El Cajon, CA

PS - you can see in the photos that the new growth at the end of the stems turn black and die with spotting under the leaves. The devastation was rapid, I’ve lost six out of twelve trees in a matter of 3 weeks, with a few other trees barley clinging onto life. I thought it could be root rot so I stopped watering watering for a week straight during a dry spell. I felt the root balls and they seemed to be bone dry so I started watering again once every 7 days for four hours at a slow drip 14” down using watering stakes. My location is eastern San Diego county, El Cajon to be specific. I hope I’ve been thorough! Appreciate y’all.

El Cajon, CA


El Cajon, CA


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