look at this cute fella

Fairfield, CA

found this cute guy in my tent... Someone identify please? Can you see his greenish aqua colored lines on his face? kinda reminds me of a mini tarantula?? ..thanks folks

This message was edited Apr 10, 2022 3:51 PM

Thumbnail by squirell707 Thumbnail by squirell707 Thumbnail by squirell707 Thumbnail by squirell707 Thumbnail by squirell707
Minot, ND

It's Phidippus audax, a jumping spider (family Salticidae) known as the bold or dating jumper.

Fairfield, CA

Quote from Flapdoodle :
It's Phidippus audax, a jumping spider (family Salticidae) known as the bold or dating jumper.

He wasnt jumping so swell once I got him in the vacuum chamber..HA! Thank you for the ID mate..cheers

This message was edited Apr 10, 2022 10:12 PM

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