Interesting Spider (FL)

Fort Myers, FL

These are all over my back porch in southwest Florida. They weave bizarre webs, with 4 or 5 little "orb" looking things in a vertical line. When they feel threatened, they rapidly vibrate their web. They're very small, as you can see in the picture of them on my porch screening.

Thumbnail by ncaptiva Thumbnail by ncaptiva Thumbnail by ncaptiva
Fort Myers, FL

I'd also like to note that the line of "orbs" in the web appear to possibly be exuviae. Eventually, the spider ends up wrapping all of them together as seen in the attached picture. I hope someone will be able to help me identify them! I'm getting nowhere with Google, Bug Guide, etc. Thanks, everyone!

Thumbnail by ncaptiva
Minot, ND

This is an orb-weaving spider (family Araneidae) in the genus Cyclosa, likely C. turbinata. Collectively, spiders in this genus are called trashline orb weavers. See

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