What type of spider is this?

Melbourne , Australia

Hi there, what type of spider is this.
sorry for the bad quality picture although I could still give a good description if need be.

Thumbnail by Malteze85 Thumbnail by Malteze85
Minot, ND

Images are not clear enough for me to even hazard a guess. Scroll through this site, and see if you find anything even remotely close:

Melbourne , Australia

Hey flapadoodle have a go its about 2-3mm in size and also its got a gloss black abdomen with distinctive red stripe like an Aussie redback its Def a female and it thorax is a medium bottle red and same as its leg which are on the robust side in Long and skinny.
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Melbourne , Australia

Hi there also I could only id a redback spider and a waspmimic spider which I think you can't find in Australia.
What other spider species are gloss black with a red stripe ?

Melbourne , Australia

Hi there also I could only id a redback spider and a waspmimic spider which I think you can't find in Australia.
What other spider species are gloss black with a red stripe ?

Minot, ND

If you were in North America instead of Australia, I would guess that it might be a Castianeira sp. in the family Corinnidae. As it is I really need to see its eye pattern in order to narrow down my searches.

Melbourne , Australia

We have a species like that here in Australia its called a wasp mimicing spider. It is black with white dots and orange front leg its claims to be one of the fastest spiders in the world! so I'm tipping most of these spiders move on the quick side of things.
The spider I'm trying to ID was not quick it was slow I'm guessing it's a Web builder and it's leg are more robust.

Melbourne , Australia

Also I'm pretty sure my work colleague took a picture too of the spider ill get him to send it to me and I'll uploaded it to this feed.😁👍

Melbourne , Australia

G'day I got the image still not very clear although you can see that it has that red marking

Thumbnail by Malteze85
Minot, ND

I have to admit defeat on this one, as I cannot see key characters (eye pattern, spinnerets) that would help place it in a family. The abdominal pattern looks like a redback, but nothing else fits that diagnosis. Where exactly was the spider found?

Melbourne , Australia

Yes ok and the pics to out of focus,you seem like your pretty advanced in the industry are you an arachnoligist or something?
At work it came out of a shipment container so it could be quite possible that its not our local species that's where my mind went as well.
I'm also defeated in this one! I had not seen anything like this type of spider before. I've been quite interested in spiders and other venomous animals my hole life and at this point I have not seen anything thing like this. It's got me hahaa

Minot, ND

I'm a retired entomologist with very broad interests in natural history.
If the spider had arrived in a shipping container, that would explain it not matching any Australian species. I still think that it most likely is a corinnid, but without being able to see its eye pattern, I am not at all confident.

Melbourne , Australia

Yeah nice 👌 these corinnid spider are commonly known and the mimic wasp/ant yeah?

Minot, ND

That is correct.

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