CLOSED: Which butterfly is this?

Melbourne, Australia

Am I correct in thinking that this is a Hesperilla ornata (Spotted sedge-skipper butterfly). In a garden in eastern suburbs of Melbourne.

Thumbnail by billaca
Minot, ND

No, it is not Hesperilla ornata; it looks more like something in the genus Dispar - see for an example.

Melbourne, Australia

Thank you for the suggested ID. Having another look I am thinking it might be Trapezites symmomus (Splendid Ochre) - see

Minot, ND

I agree that would appear to be a closer match - I had not found a good image of that species in my searches. BTW, your link did not work for me.

Melbourne, Australia

Sorry about the link - I think the problem was that there should not have been a fullstop at the end of it. The following should work:

Minot, ND

That did the trick - I hadn't noticed the stop when I copied and pasted the URL.

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