Two flies to be IDed

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

The first one is found in the bathroom (no toilet). Second one looks like a housefly, but it is not.

Thumbnail by Dinu Thumbnail by Dinu
Minot, ND

The first fly is in the family Psychodidae. Often called moth flies, drain flies, or sewer flies. their larvae develop in highly polluted water/organic films such as in poorly maintained drains. They are harmless nuisances. The second fly is a muscoid fly, likely in the family Muscidae (possibly subfamily Coenosiinae). I'm a bit puzzled by the appearance of its abdomen - have you seen other similar specimens? I'm wondering whether the colouration is natural or caused by a fungal infection.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Thanks Flap.
I thought it was just the housefly but when I took a close up shot using my watch repair eyepiece and cropped the image a bit I was surprised too. May be it is a smaller younger soecimen of a Blowfly....and it was sitting unmoved for more than two hours.

Moth fly...yes. On the kitchen sink's wall tens of little ones...too tiny are noticed every morning. I use a paper and press from outside to kill as many...and they are easily trapped. Those few that escape fly up near the low ceiling and sit there. Am unable take photo. I wonder if they are nymphs of the moth fly which is also seen single or a couple of them.

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