CLOSED: Wasp/bee/Fly?

Mountain View, AR

This guy or gal (and several others around the property) just hover noisily and annoyingly outside of windows and doors around our north central Arkansas home. It's been going on for the last two weeks or so. I've only been able to capture photos through a window screen, so I apologize for the less than awesome photo quality. The insects are about 1 -1.25 inches long (nose to tail, so to speak).

Thumbnail by GoatsnGuineas Thumbnail by GoatsnGuineas Thumbnail by GoatsnGuineas
Minot, ND

This is Milesia virginiensis, a flower/hover fly in the family Syrphidae known as the
yellowjacket hover fly. Many flies in this family are good wasp/bee mimics, but none are able to bite or sting.

Mountain View, AR

Thanks again for the very helpful feedback! I've learned about so many critters I'd never even heard of since moving to the Ozarks.

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