Help, trees are dying!

Lake Saint Louis, MO

I have been stationed overseas and returned back to the states in August to find dying trees. Checked for bagworms but none were found. Any ideas??? Thanks all.

Thumbnail by BrownThumbToo
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Bagworms would consume foliage, not make it turn brown. Can't be that.

Check the base of the branches with all the brown foliage. There is likely bark damage from something chewing on it (girdling) or otherwise constricting the xylem/phloem.

Your American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) are not dying, but something has damaged those stems with the brown foliage. Solving that issue will help prevent further future damage.

Consult with an ISA-certified arborist if you are not confident in your horticultural diagnostic skills.

Cincinnati, OH

Looks to me because of shape - and it being bottom & up that it was sprayed with something bad- lawn service spray of some sort, or an animal marking its territory? Not sure - if the branches are actually dead (try breaking a small branch- in not obvious view- if branch is still alive, that’s a good sign.
I would consult with an arborist or landscape professional about when or if this area should be trimmed back- which would depend on your zone.
Good luck- they are beautiful!

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