Transplanting a Rhododenron viscosum

Wayland, MA

How feasible is it to transplant a mature R. viscosum? It is over 20 years old. This shrub is suffering from sunburn now that a shading tree had to be removed. It is perhaps my most beloved shrub, with shell-pink, spicy fragrant flowers in the spring. I would dearly love to save it.

Somerville, MA

My heart bleeds, it really does. It can be done, though it's risky and not easy. First, water it deeply. Then, prepare your planting hole and fill it with water. Then patiently and gently dig up the plant, with as little damage to roots as possible. Move the plant to the hole and make sure you don't plant it too deep -- rhodies like shallow planting. Finally, make sure to give it plenty of water -- leave a hose tricking at its base for an hour or two, a couple times a week. If we have a drought here in MA as we did last summer, all may be lost, but let's hope not. Finally, you've inspired me to get one of these, which I've wanted for a long time.

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