Eggplant dropping pellets-what are they

Adamstown, MD

My eggplant is dropping small, squishy pellets. My blossoms are dropping off and only a few eggplants formed. Then the fruit dropped off half way to maturity is is totally rotten. I am growing them in bags in my new greenhouse. I am guessing rotten fruit and dropping flowers is blossom rot but what are the pellets?

Thumbnail by Nitrofeus Thumbnail by Nitrofeus
Castro Valley, CA

Have you no eaten leaves? Usually caterpillars leave you such presents.

I enlarged yours and they look like very fresh tomato horn worm poo.

Look very carefully over entire plant and any plant nearby. They hide well.

Picture taken from

Thumbnail by ZilyZily
Adamstown, MD

Thanks. I’ll look again but I have several very large tomato plants right next to the eggplant and lots and lots of leaves. I am new to greenhouse gardening and thought a more controlled setting would help with pests. Guessing they may have come from soil?

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