CLOSED: ID please

Newark, CA

Found several of these on my fennel. Please help identify.

Thumbnail by gogreene
Minot, ND

This appears to be a very young (1st instar) caterpillar of a black swallowtail butterfly - see

Newark, CA

Thanks so much, Flapdoodle!
So would it be ok to just let them complete their lifecycle? Would I be inviting any severe damage to my plants, besides the fennel leaves being chomped on?

Minot, ND

"So would it be ok to just let them complete their lifecycle? Would I be inviting any severe damage to my plants, besides the fennel leaves being chomped on?"

That will depend on the size(s) of your fennel plants and how much damage you are willing to tolerate. Large plants can withstand a fair amount of feeding, but small ones not so much. I also grow fennel, but I have many volunteer dill plants that the caterpillars will feed on. If I find them on fennel, I simply move them to a dill plant.

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