Looking for Flapdoodle for an ID

Butler, PA

Hi! I had posted over in the ask a gardener forum and someone suggested I post here and try to look for Flapdoodle to see what they think. I have 4 o’clocks growing from seed and they have these white marks on the leaves. Any ideas on if an insect is causing this? Thank you!

Thumbnail by firefly1399 Thumbnail by firefly1399
Minot, ND

This looks to me more like a disease or environmental process at work rather than insect damage. If insects are involved, it would likely be something like thrips that feed by scraping rather than chewing plants. Have you seen any insects on the plants?

Butler, PA

I haven’t seen any insects out of the ordinary ones that are around my garden. I will go back to the other forum. Thank you!!

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