Rabbit deterrent that’s harmless to toads?

Watermill, NY

Yesterday I was spraying the plants that are finally growing back from the stumps a rabbit left behind after it dined on my flower beds. I noticed a toad hop into the bed. I realized the repellent I was spraying had capsaicin in it. I thought “Oh no, that can’t be good for a toad,” so I stopped spraying it. Today, all of the plants I didn’t spray with repellent were eaten down to stumps again. I don’t want my flower beds eaten by rabbits (they will eat anything, I’ve found), but I don’t want to harm toads.I can’t put a wire fence around beds because they’re in my front yard and would look awful. I’m resigned to not having hostas (we have deer, too), but would like nice flower beds with some nectar plants in the front yard. Funny, we’ve had these garden beds for 20+ years but rabbits have only recently started decimating them.

Thumbnail by hamptons

Use castor oil to deter rabbits from eating your garden plants. I've used this and it works like magic. Rabbits hate the smell of the stuff and won't eat any plants that have been sprayed with it. However, if you want to protect the toads, don't spray the plants with it, and make sure there are no other deterring techniques in place that could harm the toads. So further details about info about rabbits.

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