An Black Ant and a Moth - Id

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

1. The ant was about half an inch long, its shiny appearance had the look its body was not tender.
2. The winged visitor suddenly looked like a dry leaf when I first spotted. Luckily I had the camera handy. It settled on an Aloe vera leaf. First time seeing this. Looks like a moth and not a butterfly. Which could be this?

Thumbnail by Dinu Thumbnail by Dinu
Minot, ND

The moth is in the family Geometridae; their larvae often are called inchworms or loopers; some 2000 species have been reported from India - and

The ant could be in the subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae; from its shape, I would not be surprised to find that it was a twig- or stem-boring species. More than 800 species of ants have been reported from India -

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

At least you are able to locate their family/subfamily.... very huge list I scrolled! Very difficult to pin point, obviously.
Ant - its tough body would have been an indicator as stem boring species.
Thanks Ed.

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