I'm doing veggies in my containers. (17 votes, 20%) | |
Bright annuals, the brighter the better. (13 votes, 15%) | |
I'm doing green things like ferns and hostas. (3 votes, 3%) | |
Perennials in my containers this year. (12 votes, 14%) | |
Soft, pastels are my favorite container plants. (1 votes, 1%) | |
Some, or all of the above. (31 votes, 37%) | |
Other (tell us!) (5 votes, 6%) | |
What are you planning for your containers this season?
I'm growing lettuce in an old wheel-less wheelbarrow. It's done well. It's up high enough to avoid ground-dwelling pests, plus I hypothesize that other pests don't notice it.
Just about everything in my yard, including containers, is intended to attract pollinators and birds, especially hummers. I try to use California native plants whenever possible.
This message was edited May 16, 2021 9:30 AM
I also have veggies in my formal flower beds! I grew a successful lettuce crop as a front border plant and now have tomatoes in with the larkspur and zinnias.
I have started a new gardening podcast called The Charleston Gardener. Go to www.gocharlestongardener.com to subscribe and hear my first episodes. Will be doing one on vegetables as soon as I can get my busy grower friend to find time for an interview.