CLOSED: Woodpecker Identification

Levittown, PA

I have always had a great deal of difficulty differentiating Downy Woodpeckers and Hairy Woodpeckers. I have six photos that show one or the other and could use help in identifying if it is a Downy or a Hairy in each of the pictures. This message has five of the pictures.


Thumbnail by Mikereyno Thumbnail by Mikereyno Thumbnail by Mikereyno Thumbnail by Mikereyno Thumbnail by Mikereyno
Levittown, PA

Here is the sixth photo. All of these shots were taken north of Trenton, NJ about half a mile east of the Delaware River.


Thumbnail by Mikereyno
Yumbo, Colombia

All of the images are of a Downy Woodpecker. The best clue apart from the smaller beak is the tail dots. Hairy doesn't have those.

Levittown, PA

Thanks PitterCol!

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