SOLVED: Mystery Flowering Tree in our North Georgia Yard - Green Year Round!

Cleveland, GA

This is a mystery bushy tree in our North Georgia yard and it's a good 30 feet tall. The tree was probably planted sometime in the 80's. The leaves stay green all winter long, no matter of frost or freezes or snow. The many spray clusters of 5-petal tiny white flowers are produced at the end of each branch all the way up the tree when it blooms in about mid-April, yet it doesn't produce any noticeable seeds. The flowers do not have a pleasant smell, but the flowers are quite beautiful never-the-less! What in the world could this possibly possibly be?

Thumbnail by KimMountainGirl Thumbnail by KimMountainGirl
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Photinia x fraseri...

Cleveland, GA

That's it! Thank you so very much - finally the mystery is solved! Most articles state that it grows to about 15 feet, this one is so much taller than that, but maybe it's just very happy and happens to be in an optimum growing spot! :-D

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You are quite welcome.

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