Plant more pollinator-friendly plants (4 votes, 21%) | |
Plant a vegetable garden (2 votes, 10%) | |
Weed and deadhead more (3 votes, 15%) | |
Create a water feature (2 votes, 10%) | |
Enjoy my garden and not work myself silly (8 votes, 42%) | |
Other. (tell us!) (0 votes, 0%) | |
My New Year's resolution is to...
There are a total of 19 votes:
I have loved gardening all my life, but as I have gotten older (gonna be 70 on 2/6/21) I have cut back dramatically for the past several years. I have greatly reduced the number of perennials ... including bulbs, shrubs, and flowers ... to form the staples of my gardens. Now, I am at a point where I can now take care of them with relatively easy maintenance. I still use flower pots for quick color, but now I mostly buy and plant healthy, potted annuals instead of starting them from seed. Saves time and my back. lol
Sooner or later we all have to learn to be good to ourselves!