Spider Dragging Something

Yumbo, Colombia

What might this be? It appears to be dragging something, an egg sac?

Thumbnail by PitterCol Thumbnail by PitterCol
Minot, ND

Looks like a wandering spider (Ctenidae) in the genus Ctenus - see https://www.wandering-spiders.net/fileadmin/_migrated/pics/img_1071-c_amphora_female_01.jpg for an example. I have no idea as to what the spider is dragging about, but it is extremely unlikely to be an egg sac. These spiders do not carry their egg sac about like a wolf or fishing spider, but construct it on the ground and then defend it until the eggs hatch.

Yumbo, Colombia

Thank you very much. The egg sack was just a wild guess. I gather some Wandering Spider species can be potentially dangerous.

Minot, ND

"I gather some Wandering Spider species can be potentially dangerous." Indeed - the genus Phoneutria in particular.

Yumbo, Colombia

Good to know, thank you.

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