Click Beetle?

Yumbo, Colombia

Or what might it be?

Thumbnail by PitterCol
Minot, ND

Yes it is, a typical example of the family Elateridae. This family is well-represented in Colombia (see, but images are available for only a small sampling, and yours is not among those, unfortunately.

Yumbo, Colombia

Thank you Flap.

Beverly Hills, CA

The photos show an insect that looks like a bedbug. While other parasites, such as cockroaches, ants, and moths, which can often live in people's homes, harm people by spoiling their food supplies and clothing, as well as causing disgust, bed bugs directly infringe on the most sacred thing - sleep and rest. Therefore, the fact that the table is running cockroaches, and from the cabinets flies moths we are ready to tolerate for years, then restless sleep and unpleasant bites on the body, which not only itch, but also look ugly - hardly anyone brave enough to endure more than two or three such restless nights. I advise you to get rid of them as soon as possible. There are many methods, but leave them for dessert. For starters, call in specialists who use Surrey's bed bug treatment. It helps even if it seems like you can't save your apartment!

This message was edited Oct 11, 2021 11:58 AM

This message was edited Oct 11, 2021 11:59 AM

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