Please if u can, ID this very creepy little guy

Kitchener, Canada

Thought it was actually a broken piece of concrete from the basement wall untill it started to walk away. Never seen such a species of spider so unsure where to start. Also I a completely scared of all bugs. I do my best to catch and release out side with screams and lots of profanity. But if not just like this one, they meet the vacuum bag. I like to think that my vacuum is like the farm the take all the pets to live out there life....anyways, any help would be great. thank you so much

Thumbnail by ShoddyGoon Thumbnail by ShoddyGoon
Minot, ND

This is a nymph of an assassin bug known as a masked hunter (Reduvius personatus; Hemiptera/Heteroptera: Reduviidae), a cosmopolitan species often found indoors and reputed to have a very painful ‘bite’- see for more detailed information.

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